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Crossmedia Concept

Celebrating the 20th anniversary of Nuremberg’s social magazine, we conceptualised and realised a cross-media image campaign. Our goals: to strengthen the awareness of the self-help project, to emphasize the versatile content of the magazine, and to put more awareness on the social divides within our society. The result was a true MBS in-house production, including the concept idea, photography, image editing, and graphics and text.

Core medium: the placard

The campaign was mainly focused on large-area placards. Claim and headline mechanics are transporting our intended message with perfect clarity. The motif shows local prominence (the city major, an Olympian gold medallist, and a radio host) depicted next to people the Strassenkreuzer is fighting for. The three compositions were published successively over a course of three months. They were accompanied by ads showcasing the respective visuals in various print media, for example the Bild-Zeitung, Marktspiegel or Curt.

Multi-channel marketing

Our concept also included production of video and audio spots matching the placard motifs. The spots were released as cinema ads, TV ads, and radio ads alongside their matching printed posters.




Online integration

On top of that, our team also developed a matching microsite easily accessible via QR codes printed on our placards. This microsite presented further advertising concepts as well as additional content regarding the campaign. Some examples include an overview of all points of sale of the magazine as well as quotes from Strassenkreuzer.

Positive feedback

The first pleasant result: all three issues of Strassenkreuzer produced during the three-month runtime of our campaign were completely sold out. Interviews with the citizens of Nuremberg further proved that we managed to invoke a lot of attention with our help for Strassenkreuzer.